Ironbridge Property Owners Association (IBPOA)

Members of the Arbor Landing Homeowners Association (ALHOA) also belong to the Ironbridge Property Owners Association (IBPOA).  The IBPOA is responsible for managing the community's infrastructure, including the lakes, roads, street lights, drainage culverts, common areas, and wildlife.


The IBPOA's dues are $120.00/annually starting 01/01/2024.


ACS West has been contracted to handle accounting for the Ironbridge Property Owners Association, beginning 01/01/2022.  They will send all assessment invoices and receive all payments.


Please direct inquiries regarding annual assessments to ACS West.

Your Community Manager at ACS West will be:

Christopher Bertsch,       Their website which provides contact information below is: 

Association Community Services West, Inc.

Address: 1904 Byrd Avenue, Suite 100
Richmond, VA 23230
Phone: (804) 282-7451
Fax: (804) 282-9590

Mary will continue on as site manager and can be reached by email/phone for all other questions or concerns:




Phone:   804-706-5882




Next Meeting Scheduled:
Ironbridge Property Owners Association (IBPOA)
Monday, December 09, 2024
Time:  6:00  pm
Where: Arbor Landing Clubhouse
 IBPOA Annual Meeting   
Hope to see you there!
Phone:  804-706-5882


Thank you,







IBPOA Documents

Ironbridge POA Protective Covenants with Supplemental Declaration
This document includes the IBPOA Protective Covenants (dated June 26, 1987) and the Supplemental Declaration (dated August 18, 1987).
Ironbridge Protective Covenants with Sup[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [2.4 MB]
Ironbridge POA Second Supplemental Declaration
This document is the Ironbridge Second Supplemental Declaration (dated May 15, 1991) to the Ironbridge Protective Covenants.
Ironbridge Second Supplemental Declarati[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [2.1 MB]